Posts Tagged: axios

A first introduction to NuxtJS

NuxtJS is a framework that speeds up Vue development, including server-side rendering for Vue applications. My first formal look at NuxtJS was to work through a Traversy video titled Nuxt JS Crash Course where its features were summarized and a small application was constructed.

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Converting the Todo Vue CLI app to plain HTML/JavaScript/CSS version

I next gave myself the task of converting the Vue CLI Todo List app from the Traversy course to a plain HTML/JavaScript version, to see how it would go. The CLI version had 1 .html file, 2 .js files, 7 .vue files or components distributed across different directories, plus two external modules uuid and axios. At the end of the successful exercise, the non-CLI version had just three files, for the HTML, JavaScript and CSS.

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The Vue JS crash course by Traversy

I work through another introductory Vue course this time by popular YouTube author Brad Traversy, building a simple todo list. The Vue-Router and the Vue CLI 3 are introduced along with the Vue Package Manager, a browser-based GUI for managing applications.

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